
TYPE: Badge of office. Worn by uniformed officers of the San Antonio Police Department assigned as “Traffic Officers.” Such duty entailed assignment to a static post (such as an intersection) or small area (such as a short street, construction site or parking area) for the control of vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
DESCRIPTION: All metal. Usually silver in color. There are at least four distinct derivations of the badge. Traffic Badge derivation four (TBd4) appears to be very much the same size and type of lower shield as TBd1 with the Alamo Chapel and SAN ANTONIO bar together but physically separate from the shield, making a two-piece badge. The shield edging is not marred nor cut as on the TBd1. This photograph of Traffic Officer E. Zinsmeyer, on the occasion of the debut of the new winter uniform in 1925, suggests that the Alamo Chapel and bar piece has been pinned on separately. The officer is also wearing a white hat and hat piece that was exclusive to Traffic and Motor Officers.
USAGE: Worn on exterior of the uniform, upper left chest, by Traffic Officers. No evidence of use by Motor Officers or Patrolmen.
PERIOD OF USE: 1915 to 1929.