Main Plaza

Photo crop exposure date: unknown.
Exposure date (or window) of subject photo: 1877
Subject: Photo crop of Main Plaza. View is ESE and elevated, taken from one of the businesses on the north side of the plaza. It shows a line of hacks in front of the stores on the east side of the plaza. The photograph can be dated as the Sanborn map indicates that the one story building at the corner of Commerce and Main Plaza has been razed and the three-story Dauenhauer Building has been erected by December 1877. In June 1877, S. Dauenhauer and G.V. Devine (the owner of the dollar store building) sign an agreement having to do with a common wall in connection with the construction. They eventually engage in a lawsuit with an appeal that becomes a matter of Supreme Court record. The advertisement on the west side of the building under Salomon Deutsch’s name states that he is “Selling out at cost.” Actually, S Deutsch & Co. (which includes Simon Frank) simply moves into the new building above Frank Bros.