
Alamo Plaza

Photo crop exposure date: unknown. Exposure date (or window) of subject photo: 1911-1912. Subject: Photo crop of Alamo Plaza. Hugo & Schmeltzer building present but missing southern tower (removed by 1904). Plaza is paved (1888) and landscaped with south plaza park (1889) and bandstand (1893). St. Joseph’s Steeple (1898) is evident. Eastern tower of Dullnig building can be seen (removed 1912-1915 street widening project). Gallagher building (1877) renovation (1911) has been completed. Side entry touring cars are parked at the north curbside of plaza park. View is south and elevated almost certainly taken from the US Post Office and Courthouse (1890). Cropped short at bottom to eliminate PROPERTY OF DRT LIBRARY ascription.